Expedition Wolf

Zo gezegd zo gedaan we konden die zondag een halve dag mee op 'expeditie'. An expidition means a guided tour in group through the forest navigating your own dogteam with 'allez allez' and 'wows'. It was a matter of finding the balance between your weight on the sled, your speed and ofcourse the strenght of your dogs. Interesting isn't it? Well it must be interesting if you have your own dogs or if you're joining a small non-commercial dogsledcompany whitch I don't know if they exist.
This farm had 270 dogs, you could almost call it an industry! Purebred huskies, lot of mixed breeds husky - malamute, husky-wolf and two purebred wolves. I think the first mistake we made was seeing these dogs as pets. Well they're not, they're working dogs and they have to work!
We would do everything in the world to make things as comfortable as possible for a blind dog. In this world a blind dog is just part of the team, somewhere in the middle...to work, to pull the sled and the poor thing was in our team!

We were six or seven teams doing eco-tourism. We barely had the time to take pictures and the hot chocolate break didn't even last ten minutes. The only contact we had with the dogs was bringing them back and forth two times from one guy to another, from the sled to their spot and the other way around!
The sport itself is great and it must be awesome to train and work with your own team. This experience wasn't bad but this is not the way to do it plus we had probably the slowest dogs in the world.The problem is I don't know if there's an other way to do it as a tourist. To end this story: we bought the first picture for twenty bucks!!!
We had a fresh inch of snow the first night and day, we didn't had any goggles and the visibility on the hill was very bad so we didn't take any pictures. But the experience of sliding down in the fresh powder was great! Anyway the second day we had a blue sky, a cold sun...awesome! It had been minus thirty at night and the temperatures climbed up till minus thirteen. during the day..I can assure you that sliding down a hill by minus 13 is pretty cold! Our face was fozen, we had ice on our nose but we had a lot of fun and the hill was ours.

So this is how we left Québec! It's a beautiful province with some beautiful cities...remember that Québec-city is Bruges and Montréal is Ghent so if you visit this place...you know where to go and oh yeah they speak very silly french : )!
Au revoir Québec, bienvenue a Ontario...
We're in the new place...so keep on reading!
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